If You Never Ask, You’ll Never Know!
As most of you know, we are a BRAND new business to the East Liverpool area.
We moved in October, were married in the barn a week later and essentially are beginning our lives together from scratch.
The past three years both our lives were wrought with upheaval, loss and tragedy, that was, untill we found each other and got serious about living a life we WANTED to live. We found this farm out of pure luck and our offer was a shot in the dark. Luckily that shot landed in the heart of an investor who actually believed (with some convincing) in our mission and our drive and had some faith in our ability to create the life we speak about. Determination and passion we have an abundance of, but capital-we lack.
We are therapeutic foster parents to 5 beautiful rambunctious little boys, these guys keep us BUSY with most days scheduled around doctors appointments, caseworkers, counselors, therapists, psychiatrists and court dates, but it doesn’t affect our determination to give them a childhood closely resembling normal as possible. This farm gives us an opportunity to teach them skills and knowledge that will not only benefit them throughout their lifetime but hopefully our entire planet. Teaching these young men the importance of hard work, respect, earning the things they want, providing for themselves and their family, balancing their physical mental and emotional well being as well as being stewards of the land. This has been our top priority for the past year, and now with the residency change we have the most amazing opportunity to make a HUGE impact.
Our dedication to our kids has left our budget pretty tight over the past year but we had been able to provide a comfortable life none the less, however we do not have all the necessary tools to make our farm WORK they way we want it too, and what I’ve learned through my always challenging adult life is that if no one knows what you need, no one will help!
With that said I decided to make a post with some of the items we will be needing to procure over the next few months in order to be successful this spring and beyond!
Maybe you or someone you know is getting rid of one of these items, or maybe you know someone that would be interested in mentoring us in some of the areas we plan to expand! (hair sheep, feeder beef, highland cows, poultry, maple syrup, honey, grapes/wine) I know I have an amazing village behind me so any resources, opportunities or recommendations we would love to hear them!
Some things we need:
Farm truck or Utility Vehicle
Brush hog
Air Compressor
**POWER TOOLS** (we literally only own a drill)
Turbo heaters (I’m a princess, it’s COLD!)
We love bartering, we have MANY services available, Thomas is a hell of hand at any labor intensive job, and we are eager to learn! We would also love mentors or friends who want to teach us about the makeup of our grazing pastures and how we can most effectively run our operations. Please let me know of any networking connections or if you personally would like to help us!
If you feel like you have the ability to donate to any of our causes monetarily, we have a blanket go fund me for the farm, and all donations go to projects here and will have regularly posted updates!
We are so grateful for all the support and connections we’ve made this far and are super excited at the opportunity the future brings!